Alambarai, the sea shore village of Kanchipuram District is situated about 120 k.m south of Chennai on the East Coast Road. In ancient days, the village was in the limits of Idaikazhinadu. Ancient port Sopatnam (Marakanam) is very close to Alambarai.
The excavation at the Fort complex was conducted with the aim of studying the socio-cultural conditions during 17th-18th century CE and to expose the flourished trade activity of this area.
During excavation three trenches were laid out. The antiquities obtained include terracotta objects and objects of copper, iron, glass and lead etc. Among the findings, Granite cannon balls, porcelain wares, spindle whorl, terracotta lamps, smoking pipes and terracotta coin mould were important.
These unearthed objects revealed the socio-cultural condition and trade activity existed at Alambarai during the period of 17th-18th CE.