Korkai is a small village in Srivaikuntam Taluk of Tuticorin district. It is situated at a distance of 3 km to the north of the river Tamaraparani. The sea originally had receded about 6 km to the east. The river Tamaraparani skirted this town in ancient days. The site is referred to in Tamil Sangam literature, and has attracted the notices of the classical geographers as an important port of pearl fishery.
In the excavation a structure with nine courses of bricks in six rows was unearthed at the depth of 75 cm from surface level. Below the structure three large sized rings placed one over the other (probably soakage jars) were found.
Inscribed potsherds bearing Tamil Brahmi letters assignable, to 300 BCE to 200 CE were also found. Charcoal samples were collected which were assigned to 785 BCE, by the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.