Maligaimedu - Ulkottai


Rajendra I me son of the Chola King RajaRaja I marked upto Ganga and was victorous. Hence in memory of .. he erected a capital Gangaikonda Cholapuram, temple called Gangaikonda Cholisvaram and a lake cholangangam.

When Rahendra I was ruling with his capital at Gangaikonda Cholapuram he erected or Magnificent palace,- but his palace fell into mins in passage of tour and -became-a-arudhill and came to he called Maligai medu. While the archaeology department conducted excavations here they found Strong basement When material from the excavations were 6 bought they were safely in a museum erected.

Further during the excavations as he palace was built in bricks, pillar mails & iron plates were found moreover mountain used for me palace and for paintings were found.

Again evidences mat cholas maintenance relations me chinese came to light int he form of porclaim in the pits.