
GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADUGovernment Oriental Manuscripts Library, CHENNAI


The existing collection of manuscripts in this library is in the form of Palmleaves and Paper exposed in different languages. The language wise collection available in different form is furnished in the Table given below.

S.No Language Palmleaves Paper Manuscripts Total
1 Tamil 11,183 5,775 16,958
2 Sanskrit 38,282 11,473 49,755
3 Telugu 806 1,426 2,232
4 Kannada 182 72 254
5 Marathi --- 967 967
6 Urdu --- 184 184
7 Arabic   407 407
8 Persian --- 1,396 1,396
9 Local Records -- 434 434
10 Other languages 127 -- 127
  Total 50,580 22,134 72,714