The services offered by the library (1) Reference Service (2) Reading the manuscript for the users (3) Translation service (4) Bibliographic service and (5) Selective Dissemination of Information service etc
The GOML offers general reference services to their users. The question like short range and long range references such as availability of manuscripts and documents in the library and specific enquiry on a particular topic. The pandits and staff are providing reference services and tools such as descriptive, triennial catalogues, Indexes are also helpful to find out the relevant information in the library
Reading of the manuscript is not easy. It requires ability to decipher the meaning of the script. Language experts of the concerned language are help to read the manuscript and tell the concept of the topic if the user does not acquire skills
This library also provides translation service to the users with the help of pandits. The similar area materials are also available in different languages. Pandits are translating the manuscripts and disseminate the required information the languages are to be referred to by the user. In that case the pandits of different languages help the reader in translating a small portion of the document if it is essential for the research work of the user
This library prepares bibliographies of manuscripts under different languages. The prepared bibliographies are issued under two different series Government Oriental Manuscript Series and Government Oriental Series. The first one named if the item is prepared by the staff of the GOML. Later one named for items prepared by the outsider
At present, a manual SDI service is being operated in GOML. for which user’s profile with name of the user, his \ her address and the subject of his \ her interest is maintained. When the particular subject manuscripts are traced out they are scanned by the pandit for their contents and matched for the subject interest defined in the user’s profile and relevant ones are sent to the user for his immediate use.