To preserve the regional history of Tamil Nadu, the Department of Archaeology is protecting monuments-districts 89 monuments spread all over the State. These monuments, which contain historical inscriptions or have architectural & artistic value, throw light on ancient heritage. They provide a wealth of information for the reconstruction of the State’s history.மேலும் படிக்க
Tamil Nadu is having considerable Monuments number of temples, forts, palaces, choultries and memorial buildings . Due to various reasons, such as invasion, natural calamities etc., temples and other structures had become dilapidated and need conservation and preservation.Having this in mind the Tamilnadu State has enacted an actTamilnadu Ancient and...மேலும் படிக்க
Accordingly, ANCIENT MONUMENT means any structure, erection or monument or any tumulus or place of interment or any cave rock sculptures, inscriptions or monolith, which is of historical, archaeological or artistic interest and which has been in existence for not less than one hundred years, and includes:
1. The remains of an ancient monument.
2. The site of an ancient monument.
3. Such portion...மேலும் படிக்க